East Indies - traducción al Inglés
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East Indies - traducción al Inglés

The indies; Indies; The Indies; British East Indies
  •  An 1801 map of the East Indies
  • Batavia]], [[Dutch East Indies]].
  • '''Countries sometimes included in West Indies'''}}
  •  A 1606 map of the East Indies

* East Indies = Indias Orientales, Indonesia
* West Indies, the = Antillas, Las
East Indies         
= Indias Orientales, Indonesia
Ex: The use of obsolete terms, such as East Indies, is an ongoing reference service problem.
Middle East         
  • 1911 Ottoman calendar shown in several different languages such as: Ottoman Turkish (in Arabic script), Greek, Armenian, Hebrew, Bulgarian, and French.
  • page=23}}</ref>
  • [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] in [[Jerusalem]]
  • The [[Kaaba]], located in [[Mecca]], [[Saudi Arabia]]
  • 1957 American film about the Middle East
  • Middle East map of Köppen climate classification.
  • Map of the Middle East between North Africa, Southern Europe, Central Asia, and Southern Asia.
  • prostrating]] during prayer in a mosque.
  • gas]] pipelines in the Middle-East
  • [[Western Wall]] and [[Dome of the Rock]] in [[Jerusalem]]
Middle-East; Middle Eastern; Mid East; Middle-east; Regions of the Middle East; The Middle East; Middle-eastern; Middle east; Middle Eastern Regions; Middle-Eastern; Mideast; Near-Eastern peoples; Mid-east; Middle Eastern peoples; MiddleEast; List of Middle Eastern countries; Middle Eastern countries; List of sovereign states and dependent territories in the Middle East; MiddleEastern history; Middle East (region); The middle east; Midde East; Mideastern; Politics of the Middle East; Middle Eastern politics; Middle East politics; Languages of the Middle East; Middle East Politics; Middle East region; Middle East countries
n. el Mediano Oriente (la zona entre el este de Europa y el Mar Mediterráneo)


·noun ·pl A name designating the East Indies, also the West Indies.


East Indies

The East Indies (or simply the Indies) is a term used in historical narratives of the Age of Discovery. The Indies refers to various lands in the East or the Eastern hemisphere, particularly the islands and mainlands found in and around the Indian Ocean by Portuguese explorers, soon after the Cape route was discovered. Nowadays, this term is broadly used to refer to the Malay Archipelago, which today comprises the Philippine Archipelago, Indonesian Archipelago, Borneo, and New Guinea. Historically, the term was used in the Age of Discovery to refer to the coasts of the landmasses comprising the Indian subcontinent and the Indochinese Peninsula along with the Malay Archipelago.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para East Indies
1. British East India Trading Company, Dutch East India
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus _ Douglas Rushkoff _ Talks at Google
2. of the East Indies.
Origins - How The Earth Made Us _ Lewis Dartnell _ Talks at Google
3. the Dutch East Indies.
An Impeccable Spy - Richard Sorge, Stalin's Master Agent _ Owen Matthews _ Talks at Google
4. the East India Company that they felt
Storeis from Indias' Partition _ Anurag Wadehra _ Talks at Google
5. the Dutch East India Company in Africa.
Liars and Outliers _ Bruce Schneier _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de East Indies
1. Van Alst, of the Association of Former Combatants Dutch East Indies Battalion told the Volkskrant newspaper.
2. In 1'42, Japan declared war against the Netherlands, the same day that Japanese forces invaded the Dutch East Indies.
3. In 1'40, he joined the colonial Royal Netherlands East Indies Army and studied at a Dutch–run military academy.
4. It is the basic principle behind the torture technique called "waterboarding", pioneered in the Dutch East Indies in the 16th century.
5. Its network of religious schools known as pesantren, was founded in the 1'th century in reaction to the Dutch Ethical Policy which, many Muslims feared, was designed to de–Islamicise the Dutch East Indies.